How to Register a Death
In order to register a death, you will need to obtain the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.
If someone passed away at home or in a nursing home, their GP will issue this.
If someone has passed away in hospital, the bereavement office at the hospital will arrange for this to be completed.
You will not receive a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death if the death is referred to the Coroner.
All deaths in England and Wales need to be registered within 5 working days.
Registration Offices
Chesterfield Town Hall
S40 1LP
Opening Times
Monday to Friday: 9am – 4:30pm
County House
100 Chesterfield Road South
NG19 7DN
T: 0300 5008080
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 9am – 4.30pm
Town Hall
Pinstone St
S1 2HH
T: 0144 2039427
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday: 8.45am – 5.15pm
Friday: 8.45am – 4.45pm
Who Can Register a Death
Deaths in houses and public institutions
- Relative or civil partner of deceased, present at death
- Relative or civil partner of deceased, in attendance during last illness
- Relative or civil partner of deceased, residing or being in the same sub-district where the death occurred
- A person present at death
- The occupier* if he/she knew the happening of the death
- Any inmate if he/she knew of the happening of the death
- The person causing the disposal of the body (e.g. person responsible for payment of the account)
*Occupier in relation to a public institution includes the governor, keeper, master, matron, superintendent or other chief resident officer
Deaths not in houses or public institutions
- Relative or civil partner of the deceased having knowledge of any of the particulars required to be registered
- Person present at death.
- Anyone who found the body
- Person in charge of the body
Person causing disposal of the body (e.g. person responsible for payment of the account)
What Happens Afterwards?
Once you have registered the death, the Death Certificate will be issued and you will be asked how many copies of this you require. There is a standard charge for each copy you request. A formal copy of the Death Certificate will be requested by banks and building societies, pension providers, insurance companies etc.
At this time, the Certificate for Burial or Cremation will also be issued. This is often called “The Green Form”. This is required for the funeral to take place, and should be given to Stubbins & Hope Funeral Directors at the earliest opportunity.